Health tips
Over the years several men have been suffering from different ailments due to lack of knowledge on how to take care if your self as a man. As a man there are things to do to keep you healthy and fit. It is very necessary as a man to be fit.
Here are his top 10 tips.
1. Find a doctor: Choose a doctor you're comfortable with, so you can "openly discuss all aspects of your health, from your mental state to your sexual function to your overall wellness,"
2. See that doctor:Just because you are feeling well doesn’t mean you are well. Have a tendency toward denial? Don’t ignore things like black stools, vision loss, or chest pain. Unfortunately, men have a tendency to do just that."
3. Get informed:You do want to be knowledgeable and understand that you shouldn’t ignore symptoms or complaints, but you don’t want to self-diagnose."
4.. Vary your workouts:The body gets very comfortable when you always do the same workout. You have got to keep varying your exercises, and they have to be an age-appropriate mix of aerobics, muscle training, and stretching."
5. Eat to thrive:Getting enough nutrition is crucial. “It’s more important than anything else except maybe sleep,” Lamm says. “Focus on nutrients rather than calories,” and eat a variety of healthy foods. “You can’t achieve optimum nutrition with limited choices."
6. Prioritize sleep:Get at least 7 hours. That’s not something you should compromise. Men think they can overcome sleep deprivation by exercising or whatever,” but that’s a bad idea, he says.
7. Check your head:Mental health is really, really important. Think about several things: Are you drinking too much? Are you paying attention to signs of depression or bipolar disorder, which often get missed? If you have a family history of mental illness, suicide, and/or substance abuse, you really need someone to help you review the signs and symptoms."
8. Stay ready for sex:When you’re stressed out, not sleeping, or drinking too much, you can’t get an erection on demand, and a man’s erection is a barometer for overall health. Exercising, eating well, and sleeping well are the best ways to be sure you’re a stud in the bedroom."
9. Care for your prostate:The prostategrows as you get older. You’ll almost certainly have symptoms, like urinary problems. A really healthy, low-fat diet will reduce the likelihood of prostate growth and may reduce the risk of prostate cancer."
10. Enjoy yourself: Look forward to every day, to doing something for yourself every day, whether it’s a run or listening to an audiobook or practicing meditation or yoga. Don’t save up all of your fun for vacation.
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